[LORE] Lightsaber Construction, Color Meaning, and Crystals (2024)

Greetings -

So, I have seen a lot of posts floating around about color meanings, crystals, etc. I thought I would share this guide I put together a few years ago for a table top RPG I was running (Star Wars of course). Feel free to correct me if I am wrong on any piece of lore below. And also feel free to add to this guide.

Please keep in mind this was written a few years ago and I cleaned it up some to make sense on the forums. Lore sometimes has a way of changing on the internet.


This was the formal weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. More skill than simple sight was required for its use. An elegant weapon. It was a symbol as well. Anyone can use a blaster or a fusioncutter—but to use a lightsaber well was a mark of someone cut above the ordinary.

[LORE] Lightsaber Construction, Color Meaning, and Crystals (1)[LORE] Lightsaber Construction, Color Meaning, and Crystals (2)

This is a guide to Lightsaber Construction...

Luke Skywalker

Ideally, a Jedi took many months to construct a single perfect weapon that he or she would keep and use for a lifetime. Once you build it, the lightsaber will become your constant companion, your tool, and a ready means of defense.

Before placing the crystal in the lightsaber, the Jedi or Sith must imbue them with the Force. To do this, the Force-user must meditate on the crystals for several days. A double-bladed lightsaber takes almost twice as long. There are even chances of failure that would sometimes destroy the crystal being used. In the end, the builder was always attuned to the weapon through the Force. Being better with that blade then anyone who may attempt to use it.

A lightsaber, short lightsaber (shoto), or any other form of lightsaber requires 2 crystals. An exception to this is the double bladed lightsaber, which requires 4 crystals.

The creator who channels their force into the crystals imbues it with a color based on the type of force energy being used as well as how powerful that energy is. Rare crystals can be found which will automatically determine a lightsaber's beam color.

A lightsaber requires the following components (x2 for Double-Bladed):

  • A handgrip
  • An activation stud plate
  • A safety switch
  • An emitter matrix
  • A lense assembly
  • Unique power cell (requires little to no recharging)
  • Power conduit
  • Recharge Socket (for recharging if required)
  • Focus Crystal
  • Beam Crystal

Beam Colors and Meanings

Red (uncommon)

Indicates the lightsaber of a Sith or Dark Jedi. This is a characteristic that generally indicated a prominent user of the dark side of the force. The red represents blood and violence. Generally these crystals are synthetically grown.

Blue (common)

Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Guardian. This is a Jedi who tended to fight the Sith on a physical level.

Green (common)

Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Consular. This is a Jedi who preferred to ponder the mysteries of the force and fight the dark side at it's heart.

Yellow (common)

Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Sentinel. This is a Jedi who honed their skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits.

Violet (uncommon)

This indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi who stayed closely with their knowledge of the dark side as well as the light side. They walked a thin line between both of those paths. A combination of blue and red.

Dark Red (uncommon)

Same as red, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Blue (uncommon)

Same as blue, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Green (uncommon)

Same as green, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Yellow (uncommon)

Same as yellow, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Violet (rare)

Same as violet, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Silver (uncommon)

This lightsaber is what is called a dual-phase saber. Meaning the length of the blade can be changed with a special switch built into the hilt. The blade can be changed from the typical 1.2 meters to 2 meters with the flick of this switch.

Bronze (uncommon)

This indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi who has mastered control over their anger above all else. It has been used in past times by wookie Jedi who have overcome their anger towards their enemies.

Brown (uncommon)

No specific meaning.

Clear (rare)

A clear beam improves the stealth of a character. This was generally used by Jedi who focused on stealth and reconnaissance missions. The only downside to this beam, is it made using the saber difficult during combat.

Crimson (common)

A lightsaber that holds this color is generally wielded by a Jedi who tended to use more unorthadox methods of battle during lightsaber duels. Never truely following any of the forms, but using a style all in their own.

Cyan (rare)

A lightsaber that holds this color generally emits a lower hum then others of different hue. Providing a bit of a bonus to stealth. The only downside is the loss in power energy drawn through the blade.

Emerald (rare)

This was generally used by an observer of the Force. Generally this person attempted to avoid combat and simply study the uses of the Force by watching others.

Light Violet (common)

A color generally used in sparring and training. This saber can only produce subdual damage.

Light Yellow (common)

A color generally used in sparring and training. This saber can only produce subdual damage.

Light Green (common)

A color generally used in sparring and training. This saber can only produce subdual damage.

Magenta (uncommon)

No specific meaning.

Orange (uncommon)

No specific meaning.

Gold (rare)

This lightsaber is generally used in the ceremony of granting a Jedi the rank of Jedi Master.

Rainbow (Shifts through the color spectrum) (rare)

This lightsaber is unique in that it changes hue based upon the mood of the wielder.

Silver-Blue (uncommon)

No specific meaning.

Teal (uncommon)

Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Healer. This is a Jedi who practiced great devotion, trustworthiness, and healing.

White (common)

A color only used in lightsaber deflection training. This weapon provides no damage if someone is struck with it.

Yellowish-Green (uncommon)

A blade with this color indicates a Jedi who tends to be very vain yet diverse in their training. A blade used typically by those who tread dangerously close to the dark side of the force as well as the light.


A virtually impossible beam to create, the black lightsaber is convented by all dark side users. It is only a legend that such a crystal exists that would allow a dark side user to create such a beam. It's powers, unknown.

Luminara Unduli

The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: the crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one.


Adegan - Green or Blue

Also known as "Ilum crystals", these rare Force-reactive stones were primarily found in the Adega system, and on the planet Ilum, but were also known to be found on the planet Halm.

Ankarres Sapphire - Teal or Violet

The Ankarres Sapphire was a crystal that possessed legendary healing powers and numerous other effects. It was one of the most potent crystals that could be used in lightsaber creation. It was also a crystal of great power and could aid a Jedi in battle.

B'nar's Sacrifice - Brown

Probably named after the legendary Jedi Master Ood B’nar. Once a Force-sensitive tuned this crystal to be used in their lightsaber, it could be used by no other.

Bane's Heart - Pink

Bane's Heart was a unique carmine lightsaber crystal given to Darth Zannah by her Master, Darth Bane, following the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. This crystal allowed a lightsaber blade to deal electrical damage and meant that the lightsaber could be used by no other user.

Barab Ore Ingot

Barab ore was a resource to Barab I. It actually lay on the planet's surface, meaning it was exposed to high doses of radiation and torrential downpours daily. When placed in a lightsaber, the ingots produced a blade that burned almost to the point of losing its cohesion.


An asteroid in far orbit around the Alderaan system was the only known source of bondar. This crystal was capable of briefly stunning an opponent if the lightsaber scraped the flesh of an opponent.

Corusca Gem

Corusca gems were extremely rare and valuable crystals. They were produced by a combination of the extreme pressures present in the atmosphere of Yavin Prime. The way that light reflected inside a Corusca gem would make it seem as if it had a furnace within it.


The planet Daminia was the only known source of damind. When set in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, damind created a wider and longer blade than seen on a standard lightsaber.


Dragite crystals were found on M'haeli, in the D'olop Mountain Range. The beam they created resonated loudly when it struck, inflicting a minor amount of damage.

Durindfire - Silver

The Durindfire gem was a precious crystal found on the planet Tatooine. A Durindfire gem was key in adding a distinctive silver sheen to any lightsaber blade.

Eralam - Clear

Eralam was a type of lightsaber crystal once mined on the third moon of Erai, though orbital bombardments by ancient Sith forces against the moon made them very rare. If they could be found, Eralam crystals produced a clear, superior lightsaber beam.


Firkrann crystals were a comparatively heavy lightsaber crystal mined on the planet of Rafa V. When placed in a lightsaber, it gives the blade an electric charge.

Heart of the Guardian - Bronze with Yellow core

The Heart of the Guardian was an ancient crystalline artifact that was rediscovered on the surface of Yavin 4 by the Rodian inventor Suvam Tan some time prior to the Jedi Civil War. When placed within a lightsaber, it altered the properties of other crystals that the lightsaber carried; this crystal created a devastating weapon that was perfect for lightsaber combat.

Hurrikaine - Violet or Dark Blue

Hurrikaine crystals were deep blue to violet lightsaber crystals from the planet Hurikane admired for their unparalleled beauty. When used in lightsabers, they created blades that were very good at penetrating defenses.

Jedi Exile's Crystal

A crystal specifically tuned to the Jedi Exile approximately 4,000 BBY. Because it was tuned specifically to the Exile, it could be used by no other. It had both light and dark side potential, and was more powerful in the extremes than in the neutral.


Jenruax was a type of lightsaber crystal occasionally used in lightsaber construction. A refined form of Opila, the Jenruax crystal had to be cleansed of impurities before use. When set in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, jenruax made the blade more agile.

Kaiburr - Crimson

The Kaiburr crystal was a powerful glowing Force relic located on the planet Mimban. Local legend said that the god Pomojema used the crystal to heal the wounded, but in reality it was the Force that was responsible. The Kaiburr crystal was a crimson-colored crystal, which glowed with a faint inner light. When in the presence of a Force-sensitive or in the Temple of Pomojema, the crystal shone brighter.


The kasha was a crystal traditionally used by the Cereans as a meditation tool. They were used to clear the mind of distractions in order to create a perfect meditation environment. Patterns were scribed on each face of the crystal to harness its full energy potential, possibly created by Bi-Dar Tyunda thousands of years before.

Kathracite - White (training saber)

This form of Adegan crystal was the most plentiful, but it was discovered to be much weaker in form than the mephite crystal, making it almost unsuitable for use in the construction of a combat-ready lightsaber. Kathracite could be used in an emergency, but there was a considerable risk of an explosion due to power overload. Kathracite did have its uses, however, especially in low-powered training lightsabers.

Kenobi's Legacy - Dark Blue

Kenobi's Legacy had to be properly tuned before it could be inserted into the lightsaber and once inserted meant that the saber could be used by no other.

Krayt Dragon Pearl - Blue, Green, White, or Black

Krayt dragon pearls were lustrous, colored stones found in the last chamber of the gizzard of krayt dragons. They could be found in colors such as blue, green, white and black. Due to a refractive quality peculiar to the pearl, they could be used in a lightsaber if properly cleaned, prepared and installed, though it was a difficult task.


Lambents were used as communication crystals or light sources, as they could be dimmed or brightened by the thoughts of whoever possessed them. The creator is "attached" to their lambent, they are able to use the crystal as a conduit to vaguely sense any Yuuzhan Vong around them.

Mustafar Crystal - Lava (yellowish-orange, blade emitted resembles a fiery blade)

This legendary crystal was taken from the massive crystal once found on the planet Mustafar. It is rumored that a person who can wield this crystal can dampen the powers of the dark side used around them. Also this weapon is rumored to drip lava from it, splashing around during it's use.

Lorrdian gemstone

They originated during the Kanz Disorders, when the enslaved Lorrdians were forced to develop kinetic communication to communicate with one another. A few Force-sensitive Lorrdians imbued certain gemstones with similar abilities. When these gems were installed in a lightsaber, the user was better able to read the actions of their opponents. This enhanced the wielder's overall defenses and ability to deflect blaster bolts.


Luxum was a type of crystal that could be used in lightsaber construction. The crystal can be formed out of the minerals and Force energy contained in Lake Natth through long and deep meditation.

Mantle of the Force - Cyan with Silvery glow

The Mantle of the Force was a powerful crystal artifact rediscovered by Suvam Tan. When placed in a lightsaber, its properties altered depending on the other crystals the lightsaber carried; though it always enhanced force abilities.


This form of Adegan crystal was the most common form of crystal used in the construction of lightsabers by the ancient Jedi Knights.


Nextor was a type of crystal occasionally used in lightsaber construction. The crystal was mined in the mountains of the world M'haeli. When set in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, nextor generated a highly volatile, yet powerful blade.


Opila was a type of crystal occasionally used in lightsaber construction. The crystal was mined in an asteroid field in the Fyrth system. When set in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, opila generated an intense blade capable of cutting through most materials quickly.

Personal Crystal

Personal Crystals were lightsaber crystals that form a bond with the first to find one. The only known personal crystal in the galaxy was found in the Crystal Cave on Dantooine and was owned by the Jedi Exile. They absorb the excess Force from whoever has a bond with it, so they are aligned with whatever side of the Force the being is on. Something had to be done to the crystal for it to stay aligned with the user, something that Kreia was able to do. It was not uncommon for the crystal to take on a certain shade or perhaps a glow, which was usually aligned with the being's connection to the Force.


Phond was a strange byproduct resulting from rare impurities bonding during the making of certain alloys due to as-yet-unknown external conditions. This crystal produced a fiercely burning lightsaber beam.

Pontite - Dark Blue or Dark Green

Pontite was the rarest and most powerful type of Adegan crystal. Nearly impossible to find, it radiating a powerful aura that cooled both skin and tempers.


Qixoni crystals were exceedingly rare lightsaber crystals of a dark red color. These unique, powerful gems were formed when a certain planet was consumed as its star went supernova. The power of a Qixoni crystal could only be harnessed by one with great strength in the Dark side of the Force. The crystal was said to enhance one's Force abilities, in addition to enhancing the lightsaber blade's power to significant degree.

Relacite - White

This form of Adegan crystal was discovered to be weaker in form than the mephite crystal, making it less suitable for use in the construction of a combat-ready lightsaber. Relacite was only marginally stronger tham kathracite, and was often used in the construction of training lightsabers, where the power throughput was much smaller.

Rainbow gem - Rainbow

Rainbow gems were brilliant treasures that were not actually gems, but silicon-based lifeforms native to the planet Gallinore. Despite their biologic nature, rainbow gems could be used as lightsaber crystals.


The planet Phemis was the only known source of rubat. When placed as a primary or secondary crystal in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, rubat sharpened the appearance and definition of the blade, allowing its wielder to easily track the blade and strike opponents properly.


Ruusan crystals come from the Mid Rim planet of the same name. While not directly affecting a lightsaber's effectiveness, they aided a Jedi in focusing the Force.


The crystal was excreted by the now extinct Volice worm, a creature from the Ssi-ruuk homeworld Lwhekk, once every eleven standard years. When set in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, sapith generated an intense blade, easier to control than most other blades.

Sigil - Brown or Yellow

Mined in the Sigil system, the Sigil crystal is costly but worth while due to the searing effect it has once properly placed in a lightsaber. It was a brownish-yellow color in nature, and when used in a lightsaber, the beam produced did more damage as it was more potent.


Solari was one of the oldest and most powerful lightsaber crystals of the Jedi Order. It was a light orange gem that only a Jedi who was pure in spirit and an ardent follower of the light side of the Force could use. It could not be corrupted by the dark side and its owner had to always stay pure of heart for it to function. The Solari crystal could rarely be found, It was only visible in the late evening and was found on the planet Sacorria, a peacefull yet secretive planet. Although the Solari crystal was an artifact of light side power, the Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force lightsaber crystals could remove the light side restriction and allow a non-lightsider to use the crystal.


In its pure, crystal form it was known to be suitable for use as a lightsaber crystal. It was known that when refined Stygium was mounted on a personalized lightsaber and wielded by a Force-sensitive, the natural cloaking attributes of the crystal would augment the power of a stealth-minded Jedi in remaining unseen.

Sunrider's Destiny - Teal or Light Blue

Sunrider's Destiny was a unique aquamarine lightsaber crystal given to a Force-sensitive individual by Captain Sarguillo in the village of Aurilia on the planet Dathomir during the Galactic Civil War. When this crystal was properly tuned to be used in a lightsaber, only the person who tuned it could use that lightsaber.

Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal

A Synthetic lightsaber crystal, or Synth-crystal was a synthetic reconstruction of a crystal, commonly with a red shading rather than those geometric models naturally created, although they can be made in any color. They were frequently used by dark-siders, most of all the Sith.


Upari was a type of lightsaber crystal primarily encountered scattered in the orbit of forest worlds. It was brittle but versatile, and a Jedi Master could get it to produce many effects.

Ultima-Pearl - Silver

Ultima-Pearls were uncommon, silvery, lustrous, spherical pearls found on Dac. They were used as lightsaber crystals, and were extremely potent in modifying the damage dealt by a lightsaber. Yet, for all its benefits, it required considerable skill to properly install an Ultima-Pearl.

Velmorite - Yellow

Velmorite was a yellow lightsaber crystal found on the planet Velmor. When used in a lightsaber, this crystal created a fine, thin blade for wielding.

Viridian Crystal - Silvery Green

A virtually impossible beam to create. These crystals were used by ancient Jedi as a sign of honor and rank. They are now all but gone from existence. It is rumored that a person who could wield such a weapon with this crystal could control the Force in ways that have yet to be discovered.

Edited by DarthRavnos
Updated thread title.

[LORE] Lightsaber Construction, Color Meaning, and Crystals (2024)


[LORE] Lightsaber Construction, Color Meaning, and Crystals? ›

– Saber of the Light Side: When a Jedi and their kyber crystal are in perfect harmony, the result is a blue or green lightsaber. Blue symbolizes peace, order, and justice, while green represents growth and balance with nature. These colors reflect the Jedi's unwavering commitment to the light side of the Force.

What does each kyber crystal color mean? ›

There's always the possibility of new colors being added, but as it stands in the official lore, the only colors possible (and what they represent) are the following: Blue - loyalty, stability, truth, justice. Green - growth, safety, harmony. Red - power, anger, hatred. Purple - nobility and wisdom.

What is the rarest lightsaber color? ›

Black lightsabers are extremely rare in the Star Wars universe, and only a few have been seen on screen. These lightsabers are typically associated with the Dark Side of the Force and wielded by Sith or Dark Jedi. The most well-known black lightsaber is the Darksaber, which was created by the first Mandalorian Jedi.

What is the most powerful kyber crystal color? ›

The purple color itself is considered the most powerful lightsaber color in the Star Wars galaxy. A very few Jedis ever wielded a lightsaber of this color. The only two known people to ever wield a purple color lightsaber are Mace Windu and Darth Revan from the past.

What is the Darksaber kyber crystal? ›

Answer: Yes, the Darksaber contains a Kyber crystal, which is its power source. Like all lightsabers, the Kyber crystal within the Darksaber focuses the weapon's energy on producing its blade.

Why is Rey's lightsaber yellow? ›

Traditionally, yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Sentinels, who balance their combat skills with a strong focus on exploration and practical application of the Force. This choice reflects Rey's well-rounded training and her determination to maintain balance in the Force.

Why does Qui Gon Jinn have a green lightsaber? ›

Why Does Qui-Gon Jinn Have a Green Lightsaber? Like many other wielders of green lightsabers, including Yoda and Luke Skywalker, Qui-Gon's green blade represents his status as a wise and peaceful protector who is in tune with the spiritual side of the Force.

What is Cal Kestis canon lightsaber color? ›

The standard color for Cal Kestis' lightsaber is blue. The color is an important part of his Jedi identity, representing his bravery, justice and dedication to fighting the forces of darkness in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Who has a black lightsaber? ›

The Darksaber goes back to the time of Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi Knight. He created a one-of-a-kind lightsaber with a flat blade of dark, swirling energy.

What is the most offensive lightsaber form? ›

In conclusion, Form VII, also known as Juyo or Vaapad, is undeniably the most aggressive lightsaber style in the galaxy. Jedi Master Mace Windu's mastery of this form exemplifies its power and its dangers.

What is the most feared lightsaber? ›

While countless fell to his Force skills, most were killed by Vader's crimson lightsaber, which became one of the most feared weapons in the galaxy.

What is the most evil lightsaber? ›

The Soulsaber Is The Most Dangerous Lightsaber Ever Seen

Right away, this conjures up images of the Mandalorian Jedi Darksaber, but it goes much further than just the added colors of purple and red. The Soulsaber also has many dark Force powers of its own.

What is the hottest kyber crystal? ›

Barab ingots were a type of kyber crystal found on the irradiated planet Barab I. The crystals were found in clusters in the planet's mountains and were hot to the touch. They also glowed and, when used in a lightsaber, created a powerful, fiery blade and made the entire lightsaber slightly radioactive.

What is the strongest lightsaber form? ›

There are 7 forms of lightsaber combat, but Soreso, Shein, and Vaapad are the most effective. Soreso, Vaapad, Shein, are the most effective forms because they are all strategic and have their strengths and weaknesses. But the thing they all have in is that you must fully commit to the form.

Who is the strongest Jedi? ›

This ranking is not just about raw power; it also considers wisdom, mastery of various Force abilities, leadership, and impact on key galactic events.
  1. 1 – Luke Skywalker. Ultimate Jedi hero.
  2. 2 – Yoda. ...
  3. 3 – Anakin Skywalker. ...
  4. 4 – Obi-Wan Kenobi. ...
  5. 5 – Mace Windu. ...
  6. 6 – Rey. ...
  7. 7 – Qui-Gon Jinn. ...
  8. 8 – Ahsoka Tano. ...
Apr 19, 2024

Why is Ahsoka's lightsaber white? ›

Ahsoka's white lightsabers first appeared in the TV episode "Fire Across the Galaxy," the season one finale for Star Wars Rebels. According to Dave Filoni, one of the show's creators, the lightsaber blades are white to reflect her non-affiliation with the Jedi or Sith.

What color lightsaber should Cal Kestis have? ›

Although the canon color of the weapon's blade is blue, its kyber crystal can be customized with the other possible colors of green, orange, purple, yellow, indigo, cyan, and magenta.

Why is Mace Windu's lightsaber purple? ›

The lightsaber's amethyst color was chosen by the actor portraying Windu, Samuel L. Jackson, who wanted a purple lightsaber because he was "the second baddest Jedi in the universe" and so he could find himself among the many Jedi featured in the Battle of Geonosis scene.

How did Anakin turn Ahsoka's lightsabers blue? ›

When Anakin Skywalker returned the lightsabers to Ahsoka Tano prior to the Siege of Mandalore, the blades had become blue due to his tinkering with the weapons.


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